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Candlelight SomaYoga Series

soma yoga classes in minnesota

A few weeks ago, I sent out a survey to find out what people wanted from their yoga practice. One of the top things I got back? Somayoga classes.

Soma Yoga

This might have been slightly by design. I was incredibly fortunate to be able to take Yoga North's SomaYoga intensive courses at Tula Yoga at the end of October. My yoga teacher training included some elements of somayoga. It wasn't overly comprehensive, but enough to spark my interest.

In short, soma yoga is a type of restorative yoga. It uses slow, intentional movement to re-educate the body to let go of tension and stress. Yoga North materials draw on the Thomas Hanna discipline and describe soma yoga as a blend of a few areas:

  • traditional yoga philosophy

  • meditation and mind training

  • modern systems theory practice and personal development

  • Ayurveda

  • pranayama and breath work

  • classic asana, traditional therapeutic yoga and neuromuscular re-education of somatics

I emphasize the last bullet point. Most of my classes are vinyasa, so I interpret somatic movement differently depending on how I've structured the class/what the apex posture will be. So, to be able to indulge my kapha-heavy love for restorative classes, I'm hosting a series!

Through the end of March, I'm hosting a Sunday night candlelight yoga class in Woodbury, MN incorporating somatic movements. Every Sunday, at 6:30pm, join me for an hour of relaxation and restoration. And chocolate. For grounding. And deliciousness.

It's the perfect thing if your new year's resolution involves self care. And if you aren't the resolution-setting-type of person, then just consider it something good for yourself and your body.

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