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Outdoor Yoga Workshops This Summer

Outdoor yoga workshops in St. Paul, MN

You guys. It finally happened.

Summer is here!

Especially since I've got some good things cooking up. I'm delving a little more into the astrological side of things for these workshops, and I'm interested to see where it goes. I see myself as on a constant quest of learning, and I do believe that we manifest or can bring about the change we want through our own awareness and cognizance of *what* and *why* we want these things.

And if the universe is literally aligned to help out with these things, who am I to say NO, I don't need your help today?

Here's what's coming up:

All events are $10 per person. Although you can sign up for my newsletter for a little discount =)

After this endless winter, I'm more than ready for a little sun and greenery. Practicing yoga outside is one of my favorite things to do. From popping in a few Sun As while grilling to practicing crow on a hike, it's one of the purest ways to return back to the *why* of our practice. Collectively, these St. Paul yoga workshops will help you move through things or just provide a nice reprieve from other stresses.

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